Divine Mother Healer

What is Reiki Lineage

The Japanese system of Reiki was developed by Mikao Usui , an influential spiritual teacher and energy healer from Japan (1865-1926). Usui Sensai discovered the Reiki healing frequency when he was on a spiritual journey seeking enlightenment. He was not looking to discover a method of healing on this journey. Instead, his intention was to experience a special spiritual state.

On Mount Kurama Yama, there is a small waterfall where even today people go to meditate. Mikao Usui was meditating and fasting for 21 days under this waterfall when he stood up and a powerful light suddenly entered the top of his head and he fell unconscious. The next morning he rose, and felt an extremely enjoyable sense of vitality he had never experienced before; a miraculous type of high frequency spiritual energy had displaced his normal consciousness and replaced it with an amazing new level of awareness.

Out of excitement, he began running down the mountain to tell his spiritual teacher about his good fortune, he stubbed his toe on a rock and fell down. And the same way anyone would do, he placed his hands over the toe, which was in pain. As he did this, energy began flowing from his hands all by itself. The pain in his toe went away and the toe was healed. Usui Sensai realized in addition to the illuminating experience he had undergone, he also received the gift of healing. In that moment, he understood his life purpose was to be a healer and train others. Mikao Usui went on to share his reiki teachings, meditations and healing techniques with numerous students.

You learn from your Reiki Masters

Reiki lineage is a special part of understanding the roots of this practice. It acts as a connection to the founder, Usui Mikao, through a documented family tree. Within this spiritual lineage, Reiki students learn from their teacher, receiving attunements or spiritual blessings known as Reiju.

As students go deeper into their Reiki practice, they begin to embrace Usui’s original precepts and mantras. However, it’s important to note that each practitioner’s personal journey, background, and cultural influences will inevitably shape their practice.

After World War II, Reiki expanded beyond Japan, adapting to be more available to Westerners. Consequently, variations in cultural practices emerged as it gained popularity worldwide. Some lineages incorporate teachings on the Chakras energy system and Universal Energy Systems.

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Why is lineage important ?

For those seeking to explore Reiki further, understanding its lineage is essential in comprehending its evolution and diverse practices across different cultures.

If you are interested in delving deeper into the world of Reiki, understanding your teacher’s lineage holds significant importance. There are two key reasons why this knowledge is crucial.

Firstly, it allows you to trace the path of your reiju, which resembles receiving a blessing from Usui himself when it comes from a well-trained Reiki Master/Teacher. This connection provides a strong foundation for your Reiki practice.

Secondly, knowing the lineage will provide insights into the specific energy system and meditation practices you will learn. In Western lineages, the focus is on the Chakras for healing and techniques, while traditional Japanese Reiki places emphasis on Ki and profound breathing techniques into the Hara.

Maintaining a deep respect for the Reiki lineage is fundamental to my daily practice. I am dedicated to maintaining this tradition by maintaining daily rituals and exercises into my routine. Through regular practice of Reiki energy healing and clearing techniques, I maintain a profound connection with Reiki Consciousness, ensuring the balance of my own personal energy. This routine connection with Reiki lineage nurtures a profound healing space for my clients. I believe that upholding the respect of the Reiki lineage in this manner is important for providing the best support to my clients and Reiki students.

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